Well Auggie had a physical last week and he is officially 10lb! He is quadruple his birthweight. What a lot of growing this little boy has been doing. Tomorrow Auggie turns 4 months old (he is not even 7 weeks past his due date though). Here are some more recent photos of Auggie:
This one is from 31-Mar. Felix wasn't really asleep, but Auggie was. This little boy will sleep immediately and for hours if held by his papa.
The next two photos are also from 31-Mar, the second one is Auggie's Gene Simmons impression.
Here is a quick snapshot of Auggie eating a bottle on April Fool's day. What a cutie!
And here are Auggie & Sprout on 5-Apr. We were getting ready to head to the pediatrician.
And here is a shot at the pediatricians!