Auggie is 2230g or 4lb 14.5oz. He is 1.5oz from 5lb, and just 3.5oz from being double his birthweight! He honestly looks bigger and bigger by the minute.
Amy just got the official word that our son is coming home today. I'm finishing up some things at work before beginning my paternity leave, so we will be heading home sometime in the early evening. Say prayers for us!
As we transition from the hospital to home, we will discontinue our caring bridge website and if you found this Webpage you know that we will continue updates on the Rode family here. The name for our new Website was Amy's idea ( - haus is german for house). Get it? Rode Haus / Road House. Finally, we want to share with you a poem that was read at Emmy's memorial service:
These are my footprints,
so perfect and so small.
These tiny footprints
never touched the ground at all.
Not one tiny footprint,
for now I have wings.
These tiny footprints were meant
for other things.
You will hear my tiny footprints,
in the patter of the rain.
Gentle drops like angel's tears,
of joy and not from pain.
You will see my tiny footprints,
in each butterflies' lazy dance.
I'll let you know I'm with you,
if you just give me the chance.
You will see my tiny footprints,
in the rustle of the leaves.
I will whisper names into the wind,
and call each one that grieves.
Most of all, these tiny footprints,
are found on Mommy and Daddy's hearts.
'Cause even though I'm gone now,
We'll never truly part.
Once again, we want to thank everyone for their love, prayers & support. We couldn't have made it this far without our friends and family to help us.
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