Monday, February 7, 2011

Getting Vaccines

Finished Augies ultrasound and now moving on to his vaccination. The ultrasound of his kidneys had good results and everything looks normal. In the meantime our little guy is growing like a weed - today he weight in at 2450g or 5 pounds 6.5 ounces. He measured 18.5 inches (47 cm), his doc is pleased with his gain.

Vaccination was traumatic, the needles were nearly as big as his leg (dad thinks) and we heard him really cry for the first time. He was a champ and calmed down quickly.


  1. Hi Amy, Auggie and Felix- First of all welcome home and thanks for keeping up a blog so we can see Auggie grow and grow! He gets cuter by the minute. I'm so glad Auggie's ultrasound went well. Vaccinations are tough! For the babies and the parents! Enjoy being home together.

    Mary Voth

  2. #1) YAY YAY YAY! Did I read that right? Almost FIVE GERMAN POUNDS? Hooray on the RUS, too.

    #2) Is his hair darker, or has it just been a week and I'm forgetting?
